Adobe Photoshop killer, Affinity Suite is on sale and it’s totally radical!

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In short; A strong potential replacement for the tired Adobe choke-hold on the digital creative space is currently on sale for 50% off. After 20+ years of using Photoshop & Illustrator, then periodically diving into InDesign (Yikes! It is a nightmare in there if you don’t spend a great deal of time), I will be attempting to venture out into other design suites. Affinity has brought us a comparable solution and has made it difficult to turn down this suite with the tasty price tag of $75 for all three of their design applications. No subscription. Let me say that again….NO SUBSCRIPTION.

With only about a week of use, I have become quite fond of the overall experience. Yes, I struggled to adapt. Yes, it was has been a pain in my rear. BUT the interface is malleable. There are some shortcomings (so-far) but I think that you can find suitable solutions (Inkscape, etc) for any feature that you feel may be missing.

At this time it is difficult to give a full review but I plan to take my time and let it sink in.

So, if you are interested in saving some money or just extend your skills be sure to grab Affinity Photo (Adobe Photoshop equivalent), Affinity Designer (Adobe Illustrator equivalent), Affinity Publisher (Adobe InDesign equivalent) for $25 apiece or $75 for all to replace a potentially $600/yr subscription fee.

Find the Affinity suite here:

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