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Happy Independence Day 2023

Today we celebrate the birth of our great nation and the hard-fought freedoms that we enjoy. Have a safe and memorable holiday. Image generated using Midjourney artificial intelligence.

July, vacation why? Because you tan.

With summer in full swing it can be real real real real real hard to want to stay focused on the work. Like, really hard. Like, so hard you might even find yourself just itching to check out a few hours early. Probably, on a Friday. Then immediately going home, jamming a weekends worth of […]

Levi Royer Young Entrepreneur

Say hello to our friend Levi Royer, a very busy young entrepreneur based here in our little corner of Southwest Missouri. Among the many ventures that Levi and his family pursue, one such includes a dessert food truck called Island Vibes. He and his sister collectively own and serve very delicious Paradise Pineapple Whip & […]

Fathers Day 2023

Fathers Day is a day we celebrate the examples that fathers set for their families each and every day. Thank you for all you do! We asked Midjourney AI the question; imagine a #fish celebrating this day, resulting in four epically #beautiful collages of fishes. Which is your favorite?

There is certainly something in angling…

Inspired by fish (maybe 🤷), Washington Irving was an American author, essayist, and historian who is best known for his short stories “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” He was a pioneer in American literature and is considered one of the first writers to achieve international fame. Legend has it that Irving […]

What’s behind door number June?

A couple of things you can count on from your ( quickly becoming 😜 ) best friends in business is an update title that probably makes no sense with some sort of intermittent update about any modifications to our tiny lil fish bowl of an office. So it’s June and we’re ready to go so, […]

Bethany Foster of Smokey Bros Smoked Hot Sauce

Say hello to our friend Bethany Foster. She and her husband, Billy, are the power couple behind some of the absolute best Midwest manufactured BBQ sauce, Smokey Bros Smoked Hot Sauce. How do we know that? Because we fishes swim gleefully in the sauces of hot and are willing to put our entire hot sauce […]

Memorial Day 2023

On this day, we pause to reflect on the sacrifices of those who have given their lives in defense of our freedom and way of life. Their sacrifices remind us that the freedom we enjoy is not free, and that we must never take it for granted. Thank you to all who serve. Image generated […]

It’s okay to eat fish because…

Inspired by fish (maybe 🤷), Kurt Cobain was an American musician, singer, and songwriter who was the lead vocalist of the rock band Nirvana. He rose to fame during the early 1990s grunge movement and is widely regarded as one of the most influential musicians in the history of alternative rock. It’s rumored that during […]

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